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By: Arrezo Azimzadeh

Discover how easy it is….

If you have oily and acne-prone skin, then you know how crucial it is to manage its natural moisture. Skin that looks shiny by the afternoon? Yep, been there. Makeup that slips around your oily face? You bet. When it comes to taking care of your oily skin, your skin-care products and routine play a huge role. For year’s Beauty Society has been working to evaluate the best creams, cleansers, scrubs, and even beauty devices for oily skin types. So, allow me to help you through the process of learning the best dos and don’ts for oily skin.

1. How Often You Should Wash Your Face


Don’t cleanse your face with harsh beads or overly cleanse in a day. Limit yourself to twice a day and after sweating heavily. I’m sure it can be frustrating to see your skin and want to clean off the oil right away. However, overly cleansing your face will strip away the natural protective barriers, which will lead to redness, inflammation, acne outbreaks, and sensitivity. So, stick to the morning and evening cleaning and always bring a cleanser with you to the gym.


Wash your face daily with harmless cleansers that will rejuvenate your natural skin protection. A great cleanser to use would be the Set Me Free Pore Cleanser. This product is entirely made of fresh natural cleansing agents derived from tea tree, sage, thyme, and eucalyptus. Now, you’re probably wondering, what are all these ingredients and how can they help?

No worries, Let’s dive into it!…

Tea Tree oil has many beautiful benefits! It is a plant extract that contains healing benefits that can treat multiple skin conditions. The strong antibacterial properties of natural oil help reduce the causes of mild to moderate acne. Sage stimulates blood circulation, closes pores, and restores elasticity. Thyme contains antioxidants that can protect skin from environmental stressors…it’s safe to say we all have environmental stressors taking a toll on our skin daily. Lastly, Eucalyptus helps to reduce oil and tone the skin.

2. After Cleansing, Follow Up With Moisturizing


Don’t think you can get a free pass if you have oily skin! In both normal and oily skin, external factors such as pollution, and UV rays can damage your skin’s moisture barrier, which can increase oil production. Yes, I said it! Not moisturizing can actually increase your skin to produce more oil.


But have no fear! Use Anytime Anywhere. This time-released, age-fighting moisturizer isn’t called the ‘smart moisturizer’ for nothin’. Working with the skin’s natural moisturizing liquids, Anytime Anywhere perfectly balances any skin type, including oily skin. Worn day and night, the silky soft lotion delivers deep down hydration, while also fighting back with Vitamins A, C, and E.

Vitamin A helps to regulate and slow oil flow while also helping to regenerate and heal the skin. Vitamin C & E improves moisture and hydration to the skin and is the best potion for treating oily skin. A few benefits include; protection from UVA and UVB damage, faster healing acne scars and sunburns, and increased collagen production.


Don’t use oil-based or alcohol-based. These products can irritate and add excess oils to your skin. “Your sebaceous glands will get the message that your skin is too dry and will work overtime to produce even more sebum (skin oils),” said Lisa A. Carroll, MD, FAAD, of Brinton Lake Dermatology.


Use gentle moisturizers that are oil-free, lightweight formulas. You wouldn’t use curly hair products on straight hair, would you? When it comes to picking the right moisturizer our Keep It Light is an oil-free cleanser that is formulated to seamlessly not clog your pores or cause acne. It also contains glycerin, which is categorized to attract water and pulls it into the outer layer from deeper levels of your skin, while also keeping water from evaporating from the layers of the skin. Keep it Light contains glycerin and Hyaluronic acid. According to a 2016 study, glycerin is “the most effective humectant” compared with numerous others. Whereas Hyaluronic acid is a great ingredient to train your skin to produce just the right amount of oil for hydration to keep that young and glowing radiance you desire. It works perfectly for long photo shoots and busy days.

3. Use a Face Mask Every Now and Then


Dr. Maggie Kober, a board-certified dermatologist for Apostrophe says to refrain yourself from using masks that contain coconut oil, mineral oil, and sunflower oil, as these ingredients clog pores and can cause your acne-prone skin to worsen. As I have already mentioned above, it’s also important to avoid masks that contain alcohol as it may strip the skin of its natural hydration.


Instead, look for masks that contain salicylic acid, beta-hydroxy acid, clays, and ingredients with exfoliating antibacterial properties. Our Let’s Face It Clay Mask can be used once a week, as it pulls debris, blackheads, and pore-cloggers out of the skin. The Sulphur and witch hazel remove excess oil and other impurities, drying up blemishes within minutes, while soothing and purifying mineral complexes such as zinc oxide, to balance the skin out.

These are just a few ground rules to stick to if you’re from the oily skin family, so allow Beauty Society to help you through the process! By applying the correct cleansers, moisturizers and masks can save your oily skin from breaking out and adding excess oil to your life.